Package-level declarations


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ActivitySegment(@Json(name = "startLocation") val startLocation: Location?, @Json(name = "endLocation") val endLocation: Location?, @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Duration?, @Json(name = "distance") val distance: Int?, @Json(name = "activityType") val activityType: SemanticActivityType?, @Json(name = "activities") val activities: List<Activity> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "confidence") val confidence: Confidence?, @Json(name = "waypointPath") val waypointPath: WaypointPath?, @Json(name = "simplifiedRawPath") val simplifiedRawPath: SimplifiedRawPath?, @Json(name = "transitPath") val transitPath: TransitPath?, @Json(name = "parkingEvent") val parkingEvent: ParkingEvent?, @Json(name = "editConfirmationStatus") val editConfirmationStatus: EditConfirmationStatus?, @Json(name = "editActionMetadata") val editActionMetadata: EditActionMetadata?, @Json(name = "lastEditedTimestamp") val lastEditedTimestamp: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class CheckIn(@Json(name = "timestamp") val timestamp: ZonedDateTime?, @Json(name = "placeId") val placeId: String?)
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Confidence that the chosen activity type is correct. Activities that have been manually confirmed always have a confidence of HIGH.

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Represents the source of the location data of the path. Example: "INFERRED"

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class DeviceSourceInfo(@Json(name = "deviceTag") val deviceTag: Int)

Represents source information of a location.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Duration(@Json(name = "startTimestamp") val startTimestamp: ZonedDateTime, @Json(name = "endTimestamp") val endTimestamp: ZonedDateTime)

Represents a duration of time defined by a start timestamp and an end timestamp. Example:

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class EditActionMetadata(@Json(name = "activitySegment") val activitySegment: ActivitySegment?, @Json(name = "placeVisitSegment") val placeVisitSegment: PlaceVisitSegment?, @Json(name = "editHistory") val editHistory: EditHistory, @Json(name = "originalCandidates") val originalCandidates: OriginalCandidates?)

Represents the edit action metadata.

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Represents the edit confirmation status.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class EditEvent(@Json(name = "editOperation") val editOperation: List<String> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "uiConfiguration") val uiConfiguration: UIConfiguration?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class EditHistory(@Json(name = "editEvent") val editEvent: List<EditEvent>)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Location(@Json(name = "latitudeE7") val latitudeE7: Int?, @Json(name = "longitudeE7") val longitudeE7: Int?, @Json(name = "placeId") val placeId: String?, @Json(name = "address") val address: String?, @Json(name = "name") val name: String?, @Json(name = "semanticType") val semanticType: SemanticType?, @Json(name = "accuracyMetres") val accuracyMetres: Int?, @Json(name = "locationConfidence") val locationConfidence: Double?, @Json(name = "isCurrentLocation") val isCurrentLocation: Boolean?, @Json(name = "calibratedProbability") val calibratedProbability: Double?, @Json(name = "sourceInfo") val sourceInfo: DeviceSourceInfo?)

Represents a location with various properties.

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Location Assertion Type. One of AREA or WITHIN_OR_AT.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class OriginalCandidates(@Json(name = "placeVisitSegment") val placeVisitSegment: PlaceVisitSegment)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ParkingEvent(@Json(name = "location") val location: Location, @Json(name = "method") val method: ParkingMethod, @Json(name = "locationSource") val locationSource: LocationSource, @Json(name = "timestamp") val timestamp: ZonedDateTime)

Represents a parking event. Example:

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Parking Method.

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Categorized confidence for this place visit. One of: LOW_CONFIDENCE, MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE, HIGH_CONFIDENCE or USER_CONFIRMED.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PlaceVisit(@Json(name = "location") val location: Location, @Json(name = "centerLatE7") val centerLatE7: Int?, @Json(name = "centerLngE7") val centerLngE7: Int?, @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Duration?, @Json(name = "placeConfidence") val placeConfidence: PlaceConfidence?, @Json(name = "visitConfidence") val visitConfidence: Int?, @Json(name = "locationConfidence") val locationConfidence: Int?, @Json(name = "otherCandidateLocations") val otherCandidateLocations: List<Location> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "childVisits") val childVisits: List<PlaceVisit>?, @Json(name = "sectionId") val sectionId: String?, @Json(name = "simplifiedRawPath") val simplifiedRawPath: SimplifiedRawPath?, @Json(name = "placeVisitLevel") val placeVisitLevel: Int?, @Json(name = "editConfirmationStatus") val editConfirmationStatus: String, @Json(name = "editActionMetadata") val editActionMetadata: EditActionMetadata?, @Json(name = "lastEditedTimestamp") val lastEditedTimestamp: ZonedDateTime?, @Json(name = "placeVisitType") val placeVisitType: String?, @Json(name = "placeVisitImportance") val placeVisitImportance: PlaceVisitImportance?, @Json(name = "locationAssertionType") val locationAssertionType: LocationAssertionType?, @Json(name = "checkin") val checkin: CheckIn?)
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Place Visit Importance. One of MAIN or TRANSITIONAL.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PlaceVisitSegment(@Json(name = "location") val location: Location?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Point(@Json(name = "latE7") val latE7: Int, @Json(name = "lngE7") val lngE7: Int, @Json(name = "accuracyMeters") val accuracyMeters: Int, @Json(name = "timestamp") val timestamp: ZonedDateTime)

Represents a point with latitude, longitude, accuracy in meters, and timestamp.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class RoadSegment(@Json(name = "duration") val duration: String?, @Json(name = "placeId") val placeId: String)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SemanticTimeline(@Json(name = "timelineObjects") val timelineObjects: List<TimelineObjectsProperties> = emptyList())

A Semantic Location History JSON file in a Google Takeout Location History extraction. Contains Semantic Location History information from the user's account. Typically, this will be a file containing data for a single month, with a name such as 2021_JANUARY.json.

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Place type based on semantic information specific to the user.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SimplifiedRawPath(@Json(name = "points") val points: List<Point>)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SourceInfo(@Json(name = "source") val source: String)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class StopTimeInfo(@Json(name = "scheduledDepartureTimestamp") val scheduledDepartureTimestamp: ZonedDateTime?, @Json(name = "realtimeDepartureTimestamp") val realtimeDepartureTimestamp: ZonedDateTime?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class TimelineObjectsProperties(@Json(name = "activitySegment") val activitySegment: ActivitySegment?, @Json(name = "placeVisit") val placeVisit: PlaceVisit?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class TransitPath(@Json(name = "transitStops") val transitStops: List<Location>, @Json(name = "name") val name: String, @Json(name = "hexRgbColor") val hexRgbColor: String, @Json(name = "linePlaceId") val linePlaceId: String?, @Json(name = "stopTimesInfo") val stopTimesInfo: List<StopTimeInfo> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "source") val source: DataSource?, @Json(name = "confidence") val confidence: Double?, @Json(name = "distanceMeters") val distanceMeters: Double?)

A path taken in a public transit system, such as a bus or a metro. Note that it does not describe an entire transit line, but only a specific journey a user does in a transit line.

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Travel Mode.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class UIConfiguration(@Json(name = "uiActivitySegmentConfiguration") val uiActivitySegmentConfiguration: String?, @Json(name = "uiPlaceVisitConfiguration") val uiPlaceVisitConfiguration: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Waypoint(@Json(name = "latE7") val latE7: Int, @Json(name = "lngE7") val lngE7: Int)

Represents a waypoint with latitude and longitude.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class WaypointPath(@Json(name = "waypoints") val waypoints: List<Waypoint>, @Json(name = "source") val source: DataSource?, @Json(name = "distanceMeters") val distanceMeters: Double?, @Json(name = "travelMode") val travelMode: TravelMode?, @Json(name = "confidence") val confidence: Double?, @Json(name = "roadSegment") val roadSegment: List<RoadSegment> = emptyList())