
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class WaypointPath(@Json(name = "waypoints") val waypoints: List<Waypoint>, @Json(name = "source") val source: DataSource?, @Json(name = "distanceMeters") val distanceMeters: Double?, @Json(name = "travelMode") val travelMode: TravelMode?, @Json(name = "confidence") val confidence: Double?, @Json(name = "roadSegment") val roadSegment: List<RoadSegment> = emptyList())


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constructor(@Json(name = "waypoints") waypoints: List<Waypoint>, @Json(name = "source") source: DataSource?, @Json(name = "distanceMeters") distanceMeters: Double?, @Json(name = "travelMode") travelMode: TravelMode?, @Json(name = "confidence") confidence: Double?, @Json(name = "roadSegment") roadSegment: List<RoadSegment> = emptyList())


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Confidence of the path. Example: 0.7986568220419046

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Total distance of the path, in meters. Example: 396.34176716755843

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Road segments of the path.

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Source of the location data of the path. Either BACKFILLED or INFERRED. Example: "INFERRED"

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Travel mode of the path. Can be WALK, DRIVE, or BICYCLE. Example: "WALK"

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Waypoints of the path