
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PlaceVisit(@Json(name = "location") val location: Location, @Json(name = "centerLatE7") val centerLatE7: Int?, @Json(name = "centerLngE7") val centerLngE7: Int?, @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Duration?, @Json(name = "placeConfidence") val placeConfidence: PlaceConfidence?, @Json(name = "visitConfidence") val visitConfidence: Int?, @Json(name = "locationConfidence") val locationConfidence: Int?, @Json(name = "otherCandidateLocations") val otherCandidateLocations: List<Location> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "childVisits") val childVisits: List<PlaceVisit>?, @Json(name = "sectionId") val sectionId: String?, @Json(name = "simplifiedRawPath") val simplifiedRawPath: SimplifiedRawPath?, @Json(name = "placeVisitLevel") val placeVisitLevel: Int?, @Json(name = "editConfirmationStatus") val editConfirmationStatus: String, @Json(name = "editActionMetadata") val editActionMetadata: EditActionMetadata?, @Json(name = "lastEditedTimestamp") val lastEditedTimestamp: ZonedDateTime?, @Json(name = "placeVisitType") val placeVisitType: String?, @Json(name = "placeVisitImportance") val placeVisitImportance: PlaceVisitImportance?, @Json(name = "locationAssertionType") val locationAssertionType: LocationAssertionType?, @Json(name = "checkin") val checkin: CheckIn?)


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constructor(@Json(name = "location") location: Location, @Json(name = "centerLatE7") centerLatE7: Int?, @Json(name = "centerLngE7") centerLngE7: Int?, @Json(name = "duration") duration: Duration?, @Json(name = "placeConfidence") placeConfidence: PlaceConfidence?, @Json(name = "visitConfidence") visitConfidence: Int?, @Json(name = "locationConfidence") locationConfidence: Int?, @Json(name = "otherCandidateLocations") otherCandidateLocations: List<Location> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "childVisits") childVisits: List<PlaceVisit>?, @Json(name = "sectionId") sectionId: String?, @Json(name = "simplifiedRawPath") simplifiedRawPath: SimplifiedRawPath?, @Json(name = "placeVisitLevel") placeVisitLevel: Int?, @Json(name = "editConfirmationStatus") editConfirmationStatus: String, @Json(name = "editActionMetadata") editActionMetadata: EditActionMetadata?, @Json(name = "lastEditedTimestamp") lastEditedTimestamp: ZonedDateTime?, @Json(name = "placeVisitType") placeVisitType: String?, @Json(name = "placeVisitImportance") placeVisitImportance: PlaceVisitImportance?, @Json(name = "locationAssertionType") locationAssertionType: LocationAssertionType?, @Json(name = "checkin") checkin: CheckIn?)


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Latitude coordinate of the location. Degrees multiplied by 10^7 and rounded to the nearest integer, in the range -900000000 to +900000000 (divide value by 10^7 for the usual range -90° to +90°). Example: 414216106

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Longitude coordinate of the location. Degrees multiplied by 10^7 and rounded to the nearest integer, in the range -1800000000 to +1800000000 (divide value by 10^7 for the usual range -180° to +180°). Example: 21684775

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Checkin for this place visit

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Child visits for this place visit

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Duration of the place visit

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Edit-Action Metadata for this place visit Example: EditActionMetadata(lastEditedTimestamp = "2022-03-06T14:13:11.092Z")

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Whether the user has manually edited the place visit. Can be NOT_CONFIRMED or CONFIRMED. Example: "CONFIRMED"

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Last-Edited Timestamp for this place visit Example: "2022-03-06T14:13:11.092Z"

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Location of the place Example: Location(latitudeE7 = 414216106, longitudeE7 = 21684775, placeId = "ChIJk_s92NyipBIRUMnDG8Kq2Js")

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Location Assertion Type for this place visit Example: "AREA"

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Location confidence for this place visit Example: 71

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Other candidate locations for this place visit

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Categorized confidence for this place visit. One of: LOW_CONFIDENCE, MEDIUM_CONFIDENCE, HIGH_CONFIDENCE or USER_CONFIRMED. Example: "HIGH_CONFIDENCE"

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Place Visit Importance for this place visit. One of MAIN or TRANSITIONAL. Example: "MAIN"

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Level (depth) of this place visit. This value increases by 1 with each recursive access to a childVisits entry. Example: 1

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Place Visit Type for this place visit. Can be SINGLE_PLACE. Example: "SINGLE_PLACE"

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Section ID for this place visit Example: "section123"

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Simplified raw path for this place visit.

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Visit confidence for this place visit Example: 95