
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Activity(val type: ActivityType = ActivityType.UNKNOWN, val confidence: Int?)

A detected activity with an associated confidence. Descriptions partially based on:


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constructor(type: ActivityType = ActivityType.UNKNOWN, confidence: Int?)


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Value from 0 to 100 indicating the likelihood that the user is performing this activity. The larger the value, the more consistent the data used to perform the classification is with the detected activity. Multiple activities may have high confidence values. For example, the ON_FOOT may have a confidence of 100 while the RUNNING activity may have a confidence of 95. The sum of the confidences of all detected activities for a classification does not have to be <= 100 since some activities are not mutually exclusive (for example, you can be walking while in a bus) and some activities are hierarchical (ON_FOOT is a generalization of WALKING and RUNNING).

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Type of activity detected.