
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Point(@Json(name = "latE7") val latE7: Int, @Json(name = "lngE7") val lngE7: Int, @Json(name = "accuracyMeters") val accuracyMeters: Int, @Json(name = "timestamp") val timestamp: ZonedDateTime)

Represents a point with latitude, longitude, accuracy in meters, and timestamp.


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constructor(@Json(name = "latE7") latE7: Int, @Json(name = "lngE7") lngE7: Int, @Json(name = "accuracyMeters") accuracyMeters: Int, @Json(name = "timestamp") timestamp: ZonedDateTime)


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Approximate accuracy radius of the location measurement, in meters. A lower value means better precision. Example: 10

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val latE7: Int

Latitude coordinate of the point. Degrees multiplied by 10^7 and rounded to the nearest integer, in the range -900000000 to +900000000 (divide value by 10^7 for the usual range -90° to +90°). Example: 414216106

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val lngE7: Int

Longitude coordinate of the point. Degrees multiplied by 10^7 and rounded to the nearest integer, in the range -1800000000 to +1800000000 (divide value by 10^7 for the usual range -180° to +180°). Example: -793718490

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Timestamp of the point. Example: "2022-03-03T08:27:48Z"