
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ActivitySegment(@Json(name = "startLocation") val startLocation: Location?, @Json(name = "endLocation") val endLocation: Location?, @Json(name = "duration") val duration: Duration?, @Json(name = "distance") val distance: Int?, @Json(name = "activityType") val activityType: SemanticActivityType?, @Json(name = "activities") val activities: List<Activity> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "confidence") val confidence: Confidence?, @Json(name = "waypointPath") val waypointPath: WaypointPath?, @Json(name = "simplifiedRawPath") val simplifiedRawPath: SimplifiedRawPath?, @Json(name = "transitPath") val transitPath: TransitPath?, @Json(name = "parkingEvent") val parkingEvent: ParkingEvent?, @Json(name = "editConfirmationStatus") val editConfirmationStatus: EditConfirmationStatus?, @Json(name = "editActionMetadata") val editActionMetadata: EditActionMetadata?, @Json(name = "lastEditedTimestamp") val lastEditedTimestamp: String?)


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constructor(@Json(name = "startLocation") startLocation: Location?, @Json(name = "endLocation") endLocation: Location?, @Json(name = "duration") duration: Duration?, @Json(name = "distance") distance: Int?, @Json(name = "activityType") activityType: SemanticActivityType?, @Json(name = "activities") activities: List<Activity> = emptyList(), @Json(name = "confidence") confidence: Confidence?, @Json(name = "waypointPath") waypointPath: WaypointPath?, @Json(name = "simplifiedRawPath") simplifiedRawPath: SimplifiedRawPath?, @Json(name = "transitPath") transitPath: TransitPath?, @Json(name = "parkingEvent") parkingEvent: ParkingEvent?, @Json(name = "editConfirmationStatus") editConfirmationStatus: EditConfirmationStatus?, @Json(name = "editActionMetadata") editActionMetadata: EditActionMetadata?, @Json(name = "lastEditedTimestamp") lastEditedTimestamp: String?)


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List of all the considered candidate activity types and their probabilities. The sum of all the probabilities is always <= 100.

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Best match activity type. Corresponds to the activity type with the highest probability in activities. Example: "IN_BUS"

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Confidence that the chosen activity type is correct. One of: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH or UNKNOWN_CONFIDENCE. Activities that have been manually confirmed always have a confidence of HIGH. Example: "HIGH"

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Distance traveled during the activity, in meters. Example: 2640

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Duration of the activity. Example: Duration(startTimestamp = "2022-03-03T12:22:24Z", endTimestamp = "2022-03-03T12:43:34Z")

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Edit-Action Metadata for this activity segment Example: EditActionMetadata(lastEditedTimestamp = "2022-03-06T14:13:11.092Z")

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Whether the user has manually edited the activity segment. Can be NOT_CONFIRMED or CONFIRMED. Example: "CONFIRMED"

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End location of the activity.

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Last-Edited Timestamp for this activity segment Example: "2022-03-06T14:13:11.092Z"

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The parking event of the activity

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The simplified raw path of the activity

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Start location of the activity.

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Path taken in a public transit system, such as a bus or a metro.

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