
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ParkingEvent(@Json(name = "location") val location: Location, @Json(name = "method") val method: ParkingMethod, @Json(name = "locationSource") val locationSource: LocationSource, @Json(name = "timestamp") val timestamp: ZonedDateTime)

Represents a parking event. Example:

"location": {
"latitudeE7": 412518975,
"longitudeE7": 21683133,
"accuracyMetres": 19
"locationSource": "FROM_RAW_LOCATION",
"timestamp": "2022-02-27T14:47:16.731Z"


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constructor(@Json(name = "location") location: Location, @Json(name = "method") method: ParkingMethod, @Json(name = "locationSource") locationSource: LocationSource, @Json(name = "timestamp") timestamp: ZonedDateTime)


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Location of the parking event.

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Source of the location data. Example: "FROM_RAW_LOCATION"

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Method of parking event detection. Example: "EXITING_VEHICLE_SIGNAL"

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Timestamp of the parking event. Example: "2022-02-27T14:47:16.731Z"