
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Settings(val createdTime: String, val modifiedTime: String, val historyEnabled: Boolean?, val deviceSettings: List<DeviceSettings> = emptyList(), val retentionWindowDays: Int?, val hasReportedLocations: Boolean, val hasSetRetention: Boolean)

The Settings.json file in a Google Takeout Location History extraction. Contains information about the Google account settings related to Location History, information about the devices associated, and other auxiliary metadata.


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constructor(createdTime: String, modifiedTime: String, historyEnabled: Boolean?, deviceSettings: List<DeviceSettings> = emptyList(), retentionWindowDays: Int?, hasReportedLocations: Boolean, hasSetRetention: Boolean)


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Timestamp (as an ISO 8601 string) when Location History was first available on this Google account.

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List of devices associated with the Location History information on this Google account.

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Whether this Google account has any reported Location History information.

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Whether this Google account has configured the auto-delete setting (retention) for the Location History data. Corresponds to the Auto-delete setting in the Activity Controls page. See also #/properties/retentionWindowDays.

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Whether Location History is enabled on this Google account (controlled in the Activity Controls page).

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Timestamp (as an ISO 8601 string) when any Location History setting was last modified on this Google account.

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Number of days the Location History information is retained in this Google account. Corresponds to the Auto-delete setting in the Activity Controls page. This value should be ignored if #/properties/hasSetRetention is false.