Package-level declarations


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class DeviceSettings(val deviceTag: Int, val reportingEnabled: Boolean, val legalCountryCode: String?, val devicePrettyName: String, val platformType: String, val deviceCreationTime: String, val latestLocationReportingSettingChange: LatestLocationReportingSettingChange, val androidOsLevel: Int?, val deviceSpec: DeviceSpec?)

Information about a device associated with the Google Location History account.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class DeviceSpec(val manufacturer: String?, val brand: String?, val product: String?, val device: String?, val model: String?, val isLowRam: Boolean?)

Technical information and specifications about a device.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class LatestLocationReportingSettingChange(val reportingEnabledModificationTime: String)

Information on the latest change(s) to Location History settings on this Google account.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Settings(val createdTime: String, val modifiedTime: String, val historyEnabled: Boolean?, val deviceSettings: List<DeviceSettings> = emptyList(), val retentionWindowDays: Int?, val hasReportedLocations: Boolean, val hasSetRetention: Boolean)

The Settings.json file in a Google Takeout Location History extraction. Contains information about the Google account settings related to Location History, information about the devices associated, and other auxiliary metadata.