
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class TimelineEditsItem(@Json(name = "deviceId") val deviceId: String, @Json(name = "placeAggregates") val placeAggregates: PlaceAggregates?, @Json(name = "rawSignal") val rawSignal: RawSignal?)

Various information about the timeline edit, including device ID, place aggregates, and raw signal data.


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constructor(@Json(name = "deviceId") deviceId: String, @Json(name = "placeAggregates") placeAggregates: PlaceAggregates?, @Json(name = "rawSignal") rawSignal: RawSignal?)


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The unique identifier for the device that generated the data.

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Aggregated information about places visited by the device.

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Raw signal data from the device.