
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Position(@Json(name = "point") val point: Point, @Json(name = "accuracyMm") val accuracyMm: Int?, @Json(name = "altitudeMeters") val altitudeMeters: Double?, @Json(name = "source") val source: String?, @Json(name = "speedMetersPerSecond") val speedMetersPerSecond: Double?, @Json(name = "timestamp") val timestamp: ZonedDateTime)


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constructor(@Json(name = "point") point: Point, @Json(name = "accuracyMm") accuracyMm: Int?, @Json(name = "altitudeMeters") altitudeMeters: Double?, @Json(name = "source") source: String?, @Json(name = "speedMetersPerSecond") speedMetersPerSecond: Double?, @Json(name = "timestamp") timestamp: ZonedDateTime)


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The accuracy of the position in millimeters.

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The altitude of the position in meters.

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The geographical point associated with the position.

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The source of the position data.

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Speed in meters per second.

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The timestamp of the position data.