
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PlaceAggregateInfoItem(@Json(name = "score") val score: Double, @Json(name = "numBucketsWithLocation") val numBucketsWithLocation: Int?, @Json(name = "bucketSpanDays") val bucketSpanDays: Int?, @Json(name = "point") val point: Point, @Json(name = "placeId") val placeId: String, @Json(name = "placePoint") val placePoint: Point)


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constructor(@Json(name = "score") score: Double, @Json(name = "numBucketsWithLocation") numBucketsWithLocation: Int?, @Json(name = "bucketSpanDays") bucketSpanDays: Int?, @Json(name = "point") point: Point, @Json(name = "placeId") placeId: String, @Json(name = "placePoint") placePoint: Point)


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The span of the buckets in days.

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The number of location buckets associated with the place.

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The unique identifier for the place.

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The geographical point of the place.

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The geographical point associated with the place.

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The score assigned to the place.